Notices to Airmen - - - Check Here often for new information
TeamSpeak: TeamSpeak 3 was recently released and we we now have a server running.
The main port is 9987 but you also need ports 10011 and 30033 open.
It has a lot of new features including file transfer and you can install both versions on the same computer.
A number of IP's are blocked on our servers to keep out hackers.
The current list is available here
ScotKent Aviation: Select Here
A Virtual Airline.
Select Here for our Flight Sim Forum
Check out our News and Tips Page
NJHops: has become the popular name for the servers so I made some changes.
The servers are now listed on FSHostSpy as NJHops and listed by number.
FS9 (FS2004), FSX, FSNAV and TeamSpeak 2 & 3 supported.
The Origional NJHops. This is a fun place for the newer fliers to gather
so I plan to leave it just the way it is.
An interesting tour with short hops and very small runways.
Please see the Pilot Breifing [ Click Here ]
South America Hops. This server has been adapted by a group in Argentina,
ScotKent Aviation, A new VA.
Please see the Web Site [ Click Here ]
I would like to point out that these hop lists are ment to provide enjoyable tours and sharing the enjoyment with others.
The hop lists are not ment to be race courses for rockets just
get your name on top of the finished list.
A Router, Firewall or any other security method can block your ports
and prevent you from connecting to Multiplayer. Also a blocked port can prevent other players to join after you and get
an "all players can not connect" error message. If you are haveing a problem try
Here is a list of ports just for reference:
FS2004 and FSX:
UDP 23456 (additional ports for multiple servers 23457, 23458, etc.)
UDP 6073
UDP 2302 to 2400
UDP 51234
Aerosoft does it again - Airport Terminal Enhancements much better than FSX
[ Click Here ]
FSX can be used with FSHost Servers - The author of FSHost has developed a "client" program to provide the Internet
connection multiplayer feature that Microsoft removed from FSX.
The FSHostClient program provides many things that M$ left out like being able to see
other players smoke, doors open, etc.
It works great and it's free. Available at
Flying the HOP's with FSX - The servers now have a seperate airport list for FS9 and FSX. As the lists are new, you may be directed
to an airport that is not listed and the server will not advance you. We are adding the airports to the list whenever someone reports
a problem.
FSHost servers
can be found with a program called FSHostSpy from
This program will show all active FSHost servers and who is flying on them and it's free.
This guy has done a great job so if you can't send him some money, at least send him a post card.
FlightSim X: I have it and it is not what I expected.
Here is what I found
Can't remember the server IP?
The servers can now be accessed at njhop.hopto.org
This should avoid any problems if my IP should change.
IP Bans - We have a huge list of IP ranges that are not allowed
to access our servers. Most of them are TeamSpeak hackers but the rest are people that just
can't get along with others and tend to take the fun out of multiplayer flying.
The list of currently banned IP's is available [ Here ]
If you can't connect to our servers please email me with your player name and your IP address.
We have many serious fliers on our servers and we are continuing to make every effort to provide "friendly skies"
free from deranged idiots and sick terrorists that have nothing better to do than make enemies.
TeamSpeak Flooding - We added a program to block TeamSpeak flooders. It has banned a number
terrorists so fast that we almost didn't realized that we were being attacked.
The TeamSpeak Server -
- Many people have asked and some have even demanded to be given Server Administrator privilages. I'm sorry but nothing can be run properly
by putting everyone in charge. If you want to be in charge then get your own.
- I just don't understand why some people think it's their God
given right to be able to have full control of someone else's server.
- Can I have my own room? No. We did that before and people built empires and
then didn't use their own rooms. If you need privacy then switch
to a room that is not being used. Thank You
If you are wondering what all the smoke about TS hackers is about then here is an example.
Baron signed up with a commercial TeamSpeak service that claimed it was hacker proof.
The server was set up with rooms much like my TS server and one day, in a few seconds, the hackers
converted it to what is shown below. There are about 100 rooms created by the hacker.
Even Baron as the Server Admin could not make changes to his own server and tried for weeks to get the
INXGaming TS service provider to return control to him. They claimed that the settings had been changed
by "Brute Force". Is this a new term for "Hacked"?