To Add the scenery
1. Extract the file to your Flight Simulator 9/Addon Scenery folder and you will have a new
folder "Spain Tour scenery"
2. Open Flight Sim and click "SETTINGS" left bottom of main screen.
3. Click "Scenery Library" at bottom.
4. On the right side of the next screen click "Add Area".
5. Look in "Flight simulator 9/Addon Scenery", then select "Spain Tour scenery" and click "OK".
If you have added an older version you will see "Spain Tour" in your list. Uncheck it.
You may also click on it and select "Delete Area".
7. Restart Flight Sim and it will build new scenery library.
To remove the scenery
1. In Flight Sim go to the "Scenery Library" under "SETTINGS".
2. Remove the red check mark next to "Spain tour scenery".
If you wish to remove it permenatly then highlight it and select "Delete Area".
Also go to Flight Simulator 9/Addon Scenery and delete the folder "Spain Tour scenery"
3. Restart Flight Sim and it will build new scenery library.
1. After installing the scenery then run ""Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9/Modules/FSNavigator/Bin/FSNavDBC.exe"
to add the airports to FSNav.
2. Unzip the Tour of to "Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9/Modules/FSNavigator/Plan".
(If you use FSNavigator then you already know all this)
If you are done here then just close this window