Montana, U.S.A.
Montana, U.S.A.
Pilot Breifing

47 hops, total distance 4,660nm.
A scenic tour of Montana from the mountains to the flats.
The tour criss-crosses the area so you may pass others in your travels.
The airport scenery files provide 28 detailed airports. They are not required but will make your tour much more enjoyable.

Required Scenery for the Airports.....
FS2004 Scenery--Montana Unleashed!
Name: Size: 3,993,215 Date: 03-07-2007 [Download Now]
FS2004 Scenery--Montana Unleashed! A collection of 14 highly detailed airports, created using Abacus' EZ-Scenery, scattered about the state of Montana (MT) and one in Washington (WA). Billings (KBIL), Choteau (KCII), Cut Bank (KCTB), Spokane International (KGEG), Wakoal/Glasgow (KGGW), Shelby (KSBX), Dillon (KDLN), Havre City (KHVR), Missoula (KMSO), Lewistown (KLWT), Great Falls (KGTF), Helena (KHLN), Bozeman (KBZN), Butte (KBTM). Requires EZ-Scenery object libraries. By Lauren Robison.

FS2004 Scenery--Montana Unleashed! Part 2
Name: Size: 2,920,715 Date: 05-11-2008 [Download Now]
FS2004 Scenery--Montana Unleashed! Part 2. Montana Unleashed! Part 2 is a collection of 14 highly detailed airports, created using Abacus' EZ-Scenery, ExcludeBuilder, and AFCAD, scattered about the state of Montana (MT), mostly in the middle to eastern half of the state. If you add in Part 1 (MONTANAU.ZIP) and Part 2, you now will have 28 highly detailed airports to play with. These Part 2 airports are fairly small places from county sized airports down to small municipal sized airports. Also includes the wind generator farm located just south of Jude in the St. Jude Pass. By Lauren Robison with Sidney Schwartz.

If you don't have the EZ-Scenery files, the full set is available on, File: