NJ Short Hops Server
New Jersey Short Hops Tour List
The hop list below points out the purpose, points
of interest and local information to make your trip more interesting.
If you don't understand what a Hop List is or are new to Multiplayer, go to the FAQ's
Start: = KMJX Millar Air Park - This is my home port. My house is about 5 miles north in Toms River.
Hop 1: Fly heading 246 for 27nm and land at N81 (Hammonton)
This will take you over the famous Pine Barrens, not much to see in FS but it's a thick cover of
stunted pines and scrub oaks.
At night it's referred to as the "Black Hole" as there are very few lights.
Seven Miles out you will see Coyle Field used by the State Forest Fire Service.
N81 - Hammonton: Time for breakfast. Thick cut butcher bacon and eggs. Pick up a great homemade pie.
Hop 2: Fly heading 247 for 48nm and land at 33N (Delaware Air Park)
This is easy in FS but in the real world in an area of a lot of open spaces there is a grove of
tall trees and in a narrow opening in the trees that looks like a road but it is the runway. I picked this for my
first solo cross country and ATC had fun with me for about an hour and I must have flown over it many times before
I realized it was the airport.
Hop 3: Fly heading 066 for 20nm and land at N50 (Li Calzi)
My first grass field. You should call first, he doesn't like to have visitors when the ground is soft
as he has to fix the ruts.
The approach from the SE is over water (missing in FS) then marsh reeds and them the grass. The other end of the runway
is blocked by tall cedar trees protecting his house behind them.
Hop 4: Fly heading 325 for 24nm and land at KILG (New Castle, Wilmington)
On the way you will see an Atomic Power Plant to your left.
Hop 5: Fly heading 059 for 36nm and land at KPNE (N.E. Philly.)
Up the river and through the Philadelphia controlled air space. But who cares as this is just a sim.
Hop 6: Fly heading 144 for 12nm and land at N14 (Flying W)
Nice place for Lunch or dinner. Bar, restaurant, motel with airplane shaped pool, avionics repair and friendly pilots.
There are trees at the south end of the runway but a Mooney pilot was kind enough to remove some of them.
Hop 7: Fly heading 117 for 34nm and land at KMJX (Miller)
Near Miller you will pass Lakehurst on your left. Home of historical Hanger One and the site
of the Hindenburg disaster. This is a large facility but Flight Sim does not do it justice so we
won't bother to visit there.
Hop 8: Fly heading 218 for 32nm and land at KACY (Atlantic City Int.)
KACY - Atlantic City International:
Hop 9: Fly heading 150 for 7nm and land at KAIY (Atlantic City/Bader)
A trip downtown, maybe visit a casino or two. Yes the bridges are really there. Watch out for the light poles.
Hop 10: Fly heading 237 for 30nm and land at KWWD (Cape May)
A scenic trip down the shore to Cape May County. Home of the Wildwoods, nice beaches and our biggest boardwalk.
Also home for Ocean Spray Cranberries.
The airport was a military field during WW2.
Hop 11: Fly heading 352 for 23nm and land at KMIV (Millville)
Home of the local Flight Service. This is where we get our weather reports and file
our flight plans.
Hop 12: Fly heading 075 for 40nm and land at 31E (Eagles Nest)
I can't take you to Manahawkin as they built a shopping center there so I thought the Eagle's Nest
would be a nice stop. (I hope you find it. ;)
Hop 13: Fly heading 026 for 25nm and land at N12 (Lakewood)
Well... this is not what it really looks like. The approach is over the industrial park
and over a fence at the end of the runway.
Hop 14: Fly heading 001 for 18nm and land at 2N8 (Marlboro)
This airport was closed in 2002 due to restrictions imposed after the 9-11 attack. The owners
decided to use the property for a housing development but the local government objected as they
are trying to curb urban sprawl. It is rumored now that they may open the airport again.
There is a large pole lying across the end of runway 9 as a safety. The idea is that if you
run off the end, the pole will remove your wheels. Hopefully you will slide to a stop before
you cross the very busy highway.
Hop 15: Fly heading 029 for 30nm and land at KTEB (Teterboro)
The direct route will take you past Newark Airport and through controlled airspace. In the real world you would
fly up the river below 1500 under the TCA's and turn left for Teterboro. This is called "Running the Canyon",
Keep right to avoid oncoming traffic and watch out for coptors crossing the river. This is my favorite
as you can look up at the buildings in New York.
Teterboro is the preferred field if you need to go to Newark Airport. They don't have time for small planes
at Newark. A shuttle bus to Newark is available.
Hop 16: Fly heading 062 for 21nm and land at KHPN (Westchester)
Just before you get to the Hudson River you will fly over the New Jersey Canyons that
only exist in Flight Sim.
The water next to Westchester is a little strange in FS
Hop 17: Fly heading 041 for 21nm and land at KDXR (Danbury)
I went here for my flight instructor's wedding. Yes the hills are real.
Hop 18: Fly heading 141 for 20nm and land at KBDR (Sikorsky Meml)
I have relatives here in Bridgeport. It is also the home of Sikorsky Helicopter.
Hop 19: Fly heading 022 for 37nm and land at 22B (Mountain Meadow Airstrip)
This is a long story and I won't go into it here.
Hop 20: Fly heading 049 for 58nm and land at KORE (Orange Mun)
Hop 21: Fly heading 108 for 23nm and land at KFIT (Fitchburg Mun)
I was born in Leominister just south of here and this is where I had my first
two flight lessons in a J-3 Cub when I was six. I also met Admarial Byrd here and got
a ride in his Ford Tri-Motor.
Hop 22: Fly heading 124 for 35nm and land at KBOS (Logan Intl)
Hop 23: Fly heading 133 for 39nm and land at KPVC (Provincetown Mun)
Hop 24: Fly heading 187 for 50nm and land at KACK (Nantucket Meml)
Hop 25: Fly heading 304 for 26nm and land at KMVY (Martha's Vineyard)
Hop 26: Fly heading 305 for 38nm and land at KOQU (Quonset State)
Hop 27: Fly heading 211 for 27nm and land at KBID (Block Island State)
Hop 28: Fly heading 262 for 33nm and land at KHTO (East Hampton)
Hop 29: Fly heading 269 for 55nm and land at KFRG (Republic)
This is the home of Republic Aircraft.
Hop 30: Fly heading 265 for 18nm and land at KJFK (Kennedy Intl)
Now for some more sightseeing over New York City.
Hop 31: Fly heading 346 for 9nm and land at KLGA (La Guardia)
Now for some more sightseeing over New York City.
Hop 32: Fly heading 108 for 17nm and land at GRU (Grumman)
We are not supposed to land here as it is a service field for Grumman Aircraft. But
since this is a sim, what the heck.
Hop 33: Fly heading 270 for 35nm and land at KLDJ (Linden)
This will take us over some interesting places. You may wish to do some sightseeing on the way.
Hop 34: Fly heading 360 for 33nm and land at 12N (Andover)
Time for a little scenery
Hop 35: Fly heading 297 for 30nm and land at KMPO (Pocono)
Hop 36: Fly heading 159 for 65nm and land at N87 (Robinsville)
More scenery. Look for the atomic power plant on the river.
Hop 37: Fly heading 213 for 20nm and land at N73 (Red Lion)
Hop 38: Fly heading 098 for 21nm and land at KMJX (Miller)
Back home. Thank you for flying my hops. Please continue as there are many more hops.
- From here we head south past some interesting places, Island hoping to South America,
Panama Canal, Mexico, Mountains of West USA and end up doing bush hops in Alaska.

The idea is to fly and enjoy all the hops in order. To keep it interesting,
all hops are fairly short and some of the airports offer a challange.